Sunday, December 14, 2008

Time to Move

My bits and bytes have a new home on a server at work. So if some links get busted I'll fix them soon.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Fire At Will

Though not as powerful as its big brother, this potato gun can safely be played with indoors. The sound it makes is satisfying but will not disturb the nearby cubicles until your aim gets better. So next time you load a potato or a carrot into your lunchbox you will be packing more that just a good lunch. With the mini-spud-gun around outdated pills become a valuable resource. Maybe this will help you see things on your desk in a different light.

Listen to the Mini-Spud

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Wires have never let me down when I am looking for a way to spend some time. Everything from shaping some kind of art, to tuning a strand to resonate at the proper frequency, wire and I are old pals. Lately the two of us have been plotting to build a radio receiver that will listen to the 80 meter and 40 meter amateur bands. Pouring over the plans that we found on the internet, wire offered little help as it sat impatiently on my desk. I explained to wire that we had to wait for all the other components to arrive. But the urge to start with out the rest was still there. Besides, I found some flaws in the design we are following and it will take me some time to correct them. We need to be careful which parts we invite to our little party.

Once the radio is finished I will have a new way to spend my time… Listening to Morse Code from around the world. =)

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Code Tweeks

Made some minor code tweeks to help with browser compatibliy. Also moved all images to new domain I will have to monitor page loading speed. If its too slow I might have to cut down the image resolution. Until then, dial-up people will just have to get with the times. =)

Friday, January 5, 2007

To work or not to work, That is the Question

Look'n a bit wooly. Maybe I should put 'cut hair' on my to do list.
(old photo, spring 2006)


Hmmm.... What should I have been doing. I dont remember. Must not have been important.